Call for Submissions
for journalists, photographers, artists, illustrators, etc
How will the summer of 2020 be remembered by people in Europe, and how are they thinking about the future? We want to record this moment, and to bring a diverse, inclusive mosaic of human stories together.
“Summer of Solidarity” will give a voice to those that the international media doesn’t always pay much attention to. Underreported stories, underreported voices. Our geographic scope is Europe as a continent—not limited to EU member countries. Stories can be locally-rooted but we are keen for them to be able to resonate with readers in other parts of Europe.
We’re looking for close-to-the ground, people-centred reporting that pays special attention to human stories. We’re specifically looking for long reads (1200-1500 words), reported features (800-1000 words), photo series (08-10 photos), mini-documentaries (2-5 min. video) and audio stories or podcasts. We are also interested in personal opinion pieces (700-900 words), as long as they have a human or societal angle. And we’re also open to illustrations and all forms of audiovisual art.
Themes Pitches and stories will be published in these three broad categories. Important: we are not solely focusing on the effects of the pandemic. Pitches and submissions can touch upon COVID-19 but should not obsess over the crisis.
Shifts & Changes: What’s changed, what is changing, and could that change become permanent? How are people doing things differently (in work, leisure, culture, consumption, transport etc)? How has the way we relate to each other changed within a family, a country, or even across borders or other boundaries (cultural, identity)? For example in a region, a city, a community. And is this change likely to be a fleeting one or could it become long-lasting?
Taking a new look at: What pre-corona problems have emerged in a new light? Racism, poverty, the environment, inequality, youth unemployment… We’d like to take a deeper, fresher look, and each time identify possible paths to solutions people want. We’ll have a keen eye for stories that help understand complexities as they can be experienced by people. And as always, show the human angle.
New Ideas: In times of change, and of rising demands, disgruntlement and hopes alike, political awareness and activism can flourish. How is political activism transforming, and how do those debates and actions crisscross the continent and cut across borders? Think: reinventing democracy, universal basic income, minimum wage, climate activism, lifestyle changes, green transition, etc.
All commissioned content will be remunerated. Payment will be discussed on a case by case basis. Expense budget available in exceptional cases.
Pitches will be commissioned on a rolling basis throughout the summer (until 20 August).
Send your pitches to editors@summerofsolidarity.eu with a clear subject headline and the suggested format of your piece (op-ed, feature article, photo reportage).